At times Brella would sneak in Nanny Karen's bedroom when she found herself missing her the most.

Baylie hired Nanny Karen's old friend Kendal Lawson as Cameron's Nanny.

They got two dogs now. Tiny and Rex. When Tiny and Rex went into the dog house to WooHoo, they all came running to watch and giggle like little kids.

Adam is now a seniors. He's now a Celebrity Chef making $2,170. He always has that "Donald Trump" pout.

Ave is now the Mayor making $1,313.

Cameron is now a toddler.

Adam says his grandson looks just like him.

Baylie decides to do another painting of her father.

On top of being a painter, Baylie also writes and sells Novels.

Ave is now a Senior.

Tristian spends a lot of time with Cameron. Here he's teaching him to walk.

And when Cameron sees his mother reading, he wants to be read to.

When he got a little older, he started to paint, wanting to practice to be as good as his mother.

All Adam did was pet the skunk and the skunk sprayed him. lol

Tiny goes into labor.

The first little pup born is a boy, they named him Brownie.

The second puppy is another boy, they named him Cloud.

I have no idea what happened. I was watching the puppies grow up, and then the death reaper shows up and takes away Rex! I have no idea how he died! I had boolprop on, so that should have taken care of his needs/motives.

RIP Rex :(
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