When Johnny mentions starting a family though, Jade pulls away.
- I`m really not ready to have a baby. - She says.
- You told me you couldn`t wait for a family either. - Johnny says.
- Let`s not discuss this now, John.

And so that`s how that discussion stayed - Mute and undiscussed. Johnny figured after they were more settled down into their new house that things would get better in that regard.

They started making new friends in their new Town. They met their neighbor, Vyn and his sister Vista Acer.

Jade really hit it off with them right away and invited them inside.

The four of them would often spend time together. Either Downtown or at each other`s houses.

Finally Jade got pregnant. Johnny was overjoyed and couldn`t do enough for Jade.

But no matter what Johnny did, Jade just wasn`t happy. She started drinking in private, deep down hoping she`d miscarry.

Whenever Johnny would be out working, Jade would even invite young guys home and party with them. There was one in particular that she preferred. Parker was just a teenager, but that didn`t bother her.

She sneak off with him downtown and have wild nights with him. Parker, having been a virgin when he met her, couldn`t have been more happy with her wild side.

When her pregnancy started showing, she stayed home more and saw parker less. She couldn`t wait to deliver the babies so she could get on with her life.

Johnny didn`t know what to do about his wife`s change. She seemed depressed and moody most of the time. He figured it was due to the hormones change in her body and that it would pass.

The only time she`d sound happy was when a certain call would come in, but Johnny although he tried to overhear, didn`t know who it was. And when he asked her, she`d say just a friend she met.

When Vista went out with them to eat, she sensed a tension between the couple, and Johnny was extremely quiet. She knew something was wrong.

It was later that evening at the restaurant when some girl that Vista didn`t even know approached her as she went to the bathroom. She asked Vista who Jade was with.
- Her husband, of course. - Vista replied.
- That can`t be, because my cousin Parker is dating her. - The girl said.
- You must be mistaken. - Vista said surprised.
- I guess she has us all fooled. - The girl said then walked away.

Vista never mentioned what the girl told her to anyone, and decided to forget about it. Everything seemed fine after that. Whenever they`d gather together, the atmosphere was good. So she decided she had just been imagining a tension before.

However, later, Jade confronted to Vista that she was having an affair. She didn`t say who it was, but she said she didn`t want to stop the affair. She made Vista promise not to tell anyone.

When Vista witnessed Jade arguing with a teenager and telling her to leave her boyfriend alone, that`s when she realized that Jade`s ``boyfriend`` was probably very young.

Vista was confused and thorn between her two friends, Jade and Johnny. Jade had asked her to keep it a secret, but she felt she was betraying Johnny.

Meanwhile Johnny still did everything he could to make the pregnancy easy on Jade as he waited on her and treated her the best he knew how.
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